Life Royal Golf Plus Grass Blend |With microorganisms for demanding surfaces|


The ROYAL GOLF PLUS grass mixture is intended for growing high-quality, dense, fine and even greens. The seeds are treated with a preparation containing a mixture of beneficial microorganisms that enable the grassing of even more demanding terrains, growing conditions and in poor weather conditions (frost, heat, shade, etc.). It is suitable for continental climates for the greening of representative, garden and golf surfaces based on American varieties of perennial ryegrass, red fescue and meadow fescue. The turf is dark green in colour, with narrow, delicate leaves, densely grown and dense.


60% perennial ryegrass (40% Lolium perenne Thrive, 20% Lolium perenne Benchmark), 20% red fescue (Festuca rubra Audubon) and 20% meadow fescue (Poa pratensis Award).


Sowing rate: 30-35 g/m2


Recommended sowing time: from February to November, except during the hottest part of summer.

Life Royal Golf Plus Grass Blend |With microorganisms for demanding surfaces|1kg|
SKU: 00023034
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Availability MOGA:
Informational stock: 20
19.50 € /PART
17.81 € Excluding tax
Life Royal Golf Plus Grass Blend |With microorganisms for demanding surfaces|10kg|
SKU: 00023704
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Availability MOGA
Informational stock: 0
164.10 € /PART
149.86 € Excluding tax