Medium-sized, widely spreading evergreen shrub (H 1-1,3 m, W 1,2-1,5 m). Branches upright to widely spreading, densely branched. Leaves ovate (8-12 cm), leathery, smooth, glossy, mid to dark green. Flower buds white to greenish, visible already in winter and early spring. Flowers numerous, in dense racemes (up to 8 cm), tiny, simple, cup-shaped, white; sepals greenish; monoecious and selffertile variety, male and female flowers on the same plant. Flowering period: April-May. Fruits globose (0,8 cm), smooth, fleshy, red. Ripening time: October-November. Grows best in light, fertile, humus-rich, slightly acidic, always moderately moist soils. Needs a sheltered position, protection from cold wind and hot sun.