Large, upright, slow growing evergreen tree, conifer (H 15-20 m, W 4-6 m). Crown dense, conical. Branches wide open to horizontal. Bark red-brown to grey-brown, it peels off decoratively in narrow strips. Needles densely arranged, pressed to the shoot, scalelike, romboid to egg-shaped (0,3-0,7 cm), leathery, glossy, dark green, lighter beneath; with a distinct, heavy resinous scent when crushed. Flowers separately arranged in male and female inflorescence, on the same plant; male inflorescence yellow-brown, female inflorescence red. Flowering period: April-May. Fruits cones, scale-like (4-5 pairs of seed scales), broadly egg-shaped (1 cm), dark brown; seeds with narrow wings. Ripening time: September-October. Undemanding, long-lived tree, adaptable to different soil conditions. Easily withstands cold, wind and urban conditoins.